Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Dear John

Come to me
I'll show you my fears
And all my insecures
Hold and hug me tightly
Kiss me gently
Like you mean it
like you miss me
All of me is yours

And if youre not ready yet
I'll wait for you
I promise you
I will.

I'm not simply fall in love
But when i do, i fall hard
If you dont have the willing
I'll get up by myself
The pain is pure and holy
loving you itself is sweet


Mimpi apa aku dapat tadi?
Sakit apa aku rasa ni?
Kepala aku berat
Tapi dalam cara yang sedap
Macam lepas aku dapat cafein something
Pening tapi high
Hati aku macam something missing somewhere
Perasaan yang aku tak paham
Serious aku tak tau apa ni

Sunday, March 24, 2013


a doll house is all that you could see
But its so far from my reality
Sometimes its all too much for me

Mental disoder, heart disoder, eating disoder
All united together
I try to love them, love myself but somestimes i dont
Buat as long as i keep trying, thats wht important the most

Sometimes i wonder wht games God wants me to play
Its hard from the very beginning
Its getting harder and harder everyday

I got issues from my internal
Added by external problems
Family, friends, love matters
Sometimes i feel weak to carry all the loads
No energy
Tired of wearing heart on my sleeve

People think i just went through cliche thingy
I have no idea, maybe it is
But to walk it all on my own
I'm suffering much

People always judging me
Every second, everyday, everywhere
Arent they ever feel what i feel?
If their life are perfect, why they cant share some sort of them with me?
People keep saying that nicotine kills
No, its not. Human being is the one who did.

and to you,
I dont know wht you've been through for your entire life.
Wht are you hiding for?
wht you sick of?
Who the ones you miss on?
Are you really don't feel on me?
Why you didn't have the will to fight?

But One thing that i'm sure,
i just feel love in the deepest of my heart,
To see you fall, i feel like i'm dying.
I want to see your darkest side and live it with you.
I want to hold your hands
Strengthen our hearts.
You and me, together.
I believe in love.
I stand on my beliefs.

I dont care if you dont want me,
i dont care if you already have somebody,
As long as you suffering from any kind of pains,
Lets declare war onto it, together.


Kalau kau nak bermimpi,
biar sampai ke bulan bintang,
Jangan berhenti setakat ISS.
Aku penat menurut kata, 
menyetujui dusta.

Aku bosan menyanjung ikon,
Rasa nak disanjung sebagai ikon.
Mampu ke aku?
Ada lagi kudrat bersisa?
atau sekadar nista?

Impian aku bergunung,
Diselimuti harapan teragung,
Jiwa memberontak terkurung,
Kesunyian rasa macam tergulung.

Aku rasa ini harapan maha hebat,
Harap ini pilihan tepat
Bersuara melantangkan hasrat,
Demi kepentingan sejagat.

Harap berjaya, good luck to me. If Allah wills!

Je t'aime,

Friday, March 22, 2013


My fav singer now and then. 

Oh oh oh, there's a place that I know
It's not pretty there and few have ever gone
If I show it to you now
Will it make you run away?

Or will you stay
Even if it hurts
Even if I try to push you out
Will you return?
And remind me who I really am
Please remind me who I really am

Everybody's got a dark side
Do you love me?
Can you love mine?
Nobody's a picture perfect
But we're worth it
You know that we're worth it
Will you love me?
Even with my dark side?

Like a diamond
From black dust
It's hard to know
What can become
If you give up
So don't give up on me
Please remind me who I really am

Everybody's got a dark side
Do you love me?
Can you love mine?
Nobody's a picture perfect
But we're worth it
You know that we're worth it
Will you love me?
Even with my dark side?

Don't run away
Don't run away
Just tell me that you will stay
Promise me you will stay
Don't run away
Don't run away
Just promise me you will stay
Promise me you will stay

Will you love me? ohh

Everybody's got a dark side
Do you love me?
Can you love mine?
Nobody's a picture perfect
But we're worth it
You know that we're worth it
Will you love me?
Even with my dark side?

Don't run away
Don't run away

Don't run away
Promise you'll stay

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Stop membabikan diri wahai babi
Jangan layan aku seperti bini
Nak touching sesuka hati
Aku mengaku kau memang ku sayangi
Tapi tak bermakna tak boleh tukar jadi benci
Aku dah cakap berkali kali
Tak habis habis nak menyumbat lagi?

what the hell are you doing, man?
Nak aku jadi teman?
Dengan kau yang dua puluh 4 jam macam sawan?
Kata kawan, kenapa tiba tiba macam nak mengawan?
Persetankan, Ini semua kerja syaitan.
Jangan buat kawan.
Aku pun dah bosan, bosan, bosan!

Kalau kau tak boleh nak paham jalan cerita
Perlu ke aku bercerita berjela?
Kau ingat kau siapa nak tau semua?
Nak jadi hero malaya?

Kalau aku cakap bodoh kang bergenang
Tapi dok layan perangai bangang
Tak habis habis meroyan macam gampang
Sial, kau rasa aku ada keringat lagi untuk melawan?
Aku cuma perempuan
Tapi jangan tarik aku keawang-awangan
Sebab aku ada pendirian.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Kota metropolitan yang urban,
Tempat berkumpul mangsa westernisasi dan modernisasi.
Konkrit, blok batu bata dan kaca bersatu.
Mentaliti melayu yang layu.
Islam yang kusam.
Sesak, hampir aku tersedak.
Aku rasa aku perlu memulaukan diri.
Ke pulau, ke danau.
Sendiri, sepi supaya aku dapat mencari yang hakiki.